Tag Archives: Marketing

Women Changing the Game

When it comes to the way women’s sports are embraced and viewed around the world, there is much room for change and progression.

Recently, women’s leagues like the WNBA and the NSWL, as well as the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team saw their players take legal action to get better treatment and pay. The WNBA created a contractual binding agreement (CBA) with the players for better wages, more sponsorship and marketing, and better travel conditions for players. The USWNT sued the U.S. Soccer Federation on claims of purposeful gender discrimination.

Empowerment in women’s sports aligns with the empowerment of women in society. Stars like Megan Rapinoe, Serena Williams, Elena Delle Donne, and Symone Biles are popular figures, and more recognized for their athletic abilities than past female athletes. With the rise of social media, women’s sports has proven to be of interest to many, but even when women’s sports draw large crowds and generated more revenue, women athletes are still paid less, and advertised and marketed less than their male counterparts. Less than four percent of all sports marketing is around women’s sports. When female athletes are marketed, the message is often more about their looks than their athletic ability.

“There were a lot of times when I was told that I appeared masculine,” All-American Tri-Athlete Erikca Wilson said, “not just by males, but by women who did not compete.”

“The body is not a particularly masculine thing,” CSUN Communication Studies Professor Ronda Picarelli said. “The body is a human entity.” But, she said, female athletes are often scrutinized for their muscular and defined physiques. The stigma around women’s bodies that are conditioned for sport is related to the misogyny of mainstream media.

Men don’t get this kind of comment about their bodies, Wilson said. “You hear this a lot with female athletes, and that’s very disparaging, for young female athletes that are coming up and looking at the way that the ‘standard, mainstream female body’ is supposed to look, as opposed to the female athlete.”

“You can’t tell that underneath [women athletes’] jerseys, they’re muscular,” Youth soccer coach Jocelyn Castillo said. “But when they go out to the ESPYS or some type of award, and you see them in a dress, then you get those comments like ‘oh she looks like a man, she looks like a man’. But she can’t perform well when she doesn’t have that muscle to body them out.”

The stigma and negative perception around female athletes’ bodies also play a role in the way young girls and women see themselves as athletes. This, along with the low wages, and the lack of marketing to make women’s leagues successful, may steer young girls away from pursuing sports seriously. According to the Women’s Sports Foundation, at age 14, girls quit playing sports at twice the rate of boys, and by 17, over 50 percent of girls have given up their sport. The study says “67 percent of the girls said they felt society doesn’t encourage girls to play sports.

Women’s sports aren’t as popular as men’s for many reasons pertaining to advertising and marketing of women’s leagues. But there are still some who think the women’s sports may need some adjustments to make them more entertaining to watch. In softball, the fields are smaller to allow for more home runs; in women’s boxing, there are only ten rounds; in golf, women tee-off from a closer tee. Many have argued that basketball should follow suit—and that women should play on a lowered rim. Those who would like to practice their swings may consider setting up a virtual golf course. They may also invest in BirdieBall golf equipment to enhance their golfing experience.

WNBA and two-time MVP Elena Delle Donne said if she could change one rule in the WNBA, it would be to “lower the rim”. She said lowering the rim isn’t just about the dunk; it’s also about the future of the game. Many feel that lowering the rim would cheapen or degrade the women’s game, because some women have been playing successfully on 10 foot rims. But Delle Donne said when they shortened the 3-point line for women, it didn’t cheapen the game.

Loyola Marymount University Women’s Basketball Coach Taja Edwards agreed, and said there is not much to lose by trying the rim at 9.5 feet.

Youth coach Castillo said she noticed that lowering the rim makes a difference in youth sports. She said she coaches in a league with a girls basketball team and a co-ed basketball team; the co-ed team plays on 9-foot rims, and the girls teams play on 8-foot rims. She said most of the young girls couldn’t shoot on 9-foot rims, so they lowered them, but in the co-ed league, they kept the rims at nine feet.

“Would people want to pay money to come watch something that they can dunk on themselves?” former college athlete Arielle Green asked. But LMU Coach Edwards says lowering the rim in the WNBA and women’s basketball, from 10 feet to 9.5 feet, would hardly be noticed by spectators, but would make it easier for more athletic women to get above the rim.

Still, rule changes don’t address the underlying issue of gender discrimination, and the refusal to properly market and advertise women’s sports to make them profitable, and easier for consumers to find and watch.

“There’s strength in numbers,” Wilson said. She said women’s sports needs advocates—male athletes and owners who will show their support during women’s games, and use their platform to open up the space for women in their respective sports.

Green pointed out that the media make sure to feature the many celebrities who show up at NBA games, like Snoop Dogg, Spike Lee and Jack Nicholson. She said that would benefit women’s sports if it had the same coverage. Late NBA star Kobe Bryant was one male athlete who showed a lot of support for women’s sports and women’s professional teams.

Lastly, women’s sports are often scheduled at times that make it difficult for an audience to tune in. Castillo said the Women’s World Cup Final was scheduled the same day as the Copa América final; she wanted to watch both games, and she knew other fans had the same dilemma.

She said it comes down to owners, leagues and federations communicating better, to give women’s sports an equal opportunity to be supported by fans.

Moderator: Brittany Smith

Producer: Cindy Rodriguez

Anchor: Amari Martin

Social Media Editor: Sayaka Yoshii

Reporters: Alex Guerrero, Amari Martin, Cindy Rodriguez, Brittany Smith and Sayaka Yoshii

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New Age Entrepreneurs

Starting a business has never been an easy task. In this day and age, it can be argued that it is becoming increasingly difficult. However, this new generation of business owners has found a way to benefit from social media, by using it to build brand awareness much more easily. Regardless, succeeding with a small business is still a tall task, requiring more than just brand awareness in this new age of entrepreneurship.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says about 20 percent of small businesses fail within their first year. By the end of the fifth year, roughly 50 percent of small businesses have failed. After 10 years, only about one in three is still around.

For those who are able to make it past the first year, it’s not the easiest thing to get off to a running start.

“It’s not like Field of Dreams, [where] if you build it, they’re just gonna show up,” Opulen Studios owner Christiana Lucratif said. “It’s marketing, and trying to get everybody to spread the word. One of the biggest things was just being willing to take the risk, and just dive in.”

In this new era, the use of social media has become one of the biggest tools for entrepreneurs as they try to find new customers and partners, and then keep them. A 2017 survey of marketers showed that 66 percent of internet users between the ages of 18 and 24 are more loyal to the brands they follow on social media.

“We’re scrolling on Instagram, or whatever it may be,” Scarlet’s Addiction founder Sadee Mondino said.  “I know I have to use it all day because of what I do for a living. That’s how I find most of the brands I want to work with. That’s how I find people I want to work with.”

However, an online presence can’t be the end all be for these aspiring entrepreneurs.

“If Instagram were to shut down, [you’d have to ask], ‘can you still stay in business and how are you exporting those followers and those customers to your actual CRM (Customer Relationship Management)’,” said Lucratif. “That’s why I do a lot of the marketing directly through my own text messages and emails, versus just social media. And then people that I do find on social media, [I work on]  gathering their contact information, and putting them into my database.”

Moderator: Monica Campos

Producer: Lauren Cienfuegos

Anchor: Kenia Arevalo

Social Media Editor: Zaira Garcia

Reporters: Kenia Arevalo, Monica Campos, Alan Cardoza,  Lauren Cienfuegos, Zaira Garcia, Kimberly Lopez Chavez and Demothy Tien

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The Side Hustle

In today’s world, influencers and bloggers are finding ways to make a living from their blogs and social media.

Many manufacturers and companies compensate influencers to promote their products on their websites through collaborations and with endorsements. These influencers can make a living using their blogs and social media accounts. They use websites and Instagram accounts to express their interests in new products and trends, in fashion, beauty, child care, sports, health, home design, etc. Some bloggers and influencers have access to a large audience and can generate a strong reach, and profits for their sponsors. Some famous influencers like Andrew Defrancesco have even made great name in the field of fashion. If you need tips, you can get in touch with him on his website.

But influencers and bloggers have to be creative and fast in producing content that will keep their audience hooked.

“With content moving that quickly, you have to be able to get people to stick around,” CSUN Journalism Professor Benjamin Davis said. “It will be so easy for them to leave. So you want good compelling information, good content, and you want to be able to take advantage of the new technology that is coming along.”

Many successful influencers started blogging as a side job or a hobby. When they start making money, they may decide to dedicate themselves to blogging full time.

“The first thing [if you decide to be a full time influencer] would definitely be to figure out who you want to talk to, and who you want to write for,” blogger Gwen Lane said. “Really getting clear on that audience was something that really helped me in the beginning, and really sticking to that audience, and … figuring out what their challenges are, and how you can help them, [is the key].”

Lane said bloggers have to be consistent with their content, and keep a look out for what their audience wants to see from them.

“I am always talking audience first,” Lane said, ” because when you know who your audience is, then you know what they want to hear from you, and what kind of content would resonate, and also what you want to be talking about in your content.”

Lane said influencers and bloggers take their work seriously because it is their job, not a hobby, and they have to articulate and think about every detail they put out to their audience.

“It’s audience first,” influencer Ali Levine said.


Moderator: Alexis Carfago

Anchor: Sofia Gutierrez

Social Media Editor: Scott Geirman

Reporters: Alexis Carfagno, Joy Edonwonyi, Claudia Flores, Scott Geirman, Sofia Gutierrez, Melissa Rodriguez and Melina Rudigkeit

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Women in Sports: Inclusion or Intrusion

More women are participating in sports today, from youth to pro athletics, but you wouldn’t exactly know that by watching television. A USC study shows that in 1989, five percent of television news media covered female athletics, but in 2014 the percentage had decreased to three percent, and the representation of women in sports media lacks substance as well.

“The number of girls or women [who are] participating in sports in the United States is some 40 percent,” said CSUN Professor of Kinesiology Chris Bolsmann, “so if we’ve got only four percent coverage, for me it suggests what is taking place is just a replication of inequality within society. Sport is an interesting vehicle or lense to look at society. If we look at the patriarchal nature of our society, and more recently the misogynistic nature of our society, that is a reflection of that more generally.”

Title IX is the federal law within the Education Act of 1972 that gave way for equal opportunity, protection from discrimination based on sex, and protection of benefits based on sex. Since its passage, the United States has seen a rapid increase in women’s participation in sports. That increase in women’s participation in sports, from the youth level to pro, hasn’t led to an increase in women’s sports coverage, but it has been extremely beneficial for giving opportunities to women within athletics within the last 40 years.

“Sometimes change requires law, and sometimes change requires some enforcement,” said CSUN’s Associate Athletics Director of Marketing Dawn Ellerbe,” because even now, in 2016, every university, high school, and junior high hasn’t embraced the equal play for women. Without [Title IX], I don’t think we would have seen the rise in women’s sports.”

 The future of women’s sports might very well be the inclusion and integration of the best women within athletics competing with and against men. From real life representations like Little League World Series sensation Mo’ne Davis, to dramatized versions for Hollywood like Fox’s Pitch, maybe more and more women within predominantly male sports will become more accepted.

“The question we should possibly be asking is, ‘Why do we have gendered sports in the first place?’” Bolsmann asked. “Should we not be talking about having not-gendered sports, so if somebody is good enough, without respect to if they are male or female, they can play on a team? If we have a level playing field of some sorts and open it up to competition on the basis of being a human, rather than being a man or a women, we could move into some interesting spaces and interesting discussions more generally.”

Moderator: Alicia Dieguez

Producer: Susana Guzman

Anchor: Jackie Wawee

Social Media Editor: Nick Torres

Reporters:  Alicia Dieguez, Thomas Gallegos, Susana Guzman, Ebony Hardiman, Ke-Alani Sarmiento, Nick Torres and Jackie Wawee

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